Add dissolved oxygen and temperature measurement capabilities to your Thermo Orion™ Versa Star meter using the Orion™ Versa Star Dissolved Oxygen/RDO Measurement Module. Each Orion™ Versa Star meter has four channels that can be customized with interchangeable measurement modules. The Orion™ Versa Star RDO/DO module offers the flexibility to use Orion™ RDO optical or polarographic probes with automatic sensor recognition and calibration using water-saturated air, air-saturated water, custom value using Winkler titration and zero point options.
- Temperature Range: 41° to 113°F (5° to 45°C)
- Relative Humidity Range: 5 to 85 %, non-condensing
- Range: 0.00 to 50.00mg/L (RDO); 0.00 to 90.00mg/L (Polarographic)
- Resolution: 0.01, 0.1mg/L (RDO/Polarographic)
- Accuracy (RDO): ±0.1mg/L up to 8mg/L; ±10% of reading up to 50mg/L
- Accuracy (Polarographic): ±0.2mg/L or ±2% of reading