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KOEHLER K48300 Sediment by Extraction Apparatus for Crude and Fuel Oils - P4350-1

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KOEHLER K48300 Sediment by Extraction Apparatus for Crude and Fuel Oils
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The KOEHLER K48300 Sediment by Extraction Apparatus determines sediment content of crude oil and fuel oils by extraction with toluene. A test portion of the sample is placed in a refractory thimble. Toluene is gently boiled and its vapors condensed and allowed to drip into the sample funnel. The toluene washes out all of the crude oil or fuel oil leaving the insoluble residue only in the thimble. The mass of the residue is calculated as a percentage and is referred to as the sediment by extraction. Includes condenser thimble basket, water cup and extraction thimble. Conforms to: ASTM D473; IP 53; ISO 3735; DIN 51789; FTM 791-3002; NF M 07-010.

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